Poem. Awww...poetry. A window to the soul. Such a beautiful art that can be appreciated by almost anyone.
Poetry sucks. Why, you may ask. I feel that anyone capable of punching keys on a keyboard or writing with a pen, pencil, marker, or stick of charcoal is capable of writing what they consider to be a poem. Much like anyone who can take a picture and edit it with Picnik.com is a photographer. And anyone who can ramble about nothing with the aid of the internet is a blogger. Wait, what? Yeah I said it.
I take pictures and edit them because it gives me something to do. I post them with a disclaimer that I'm not trying to be anything other than a bored person with a camera. I have written poems, but have not posted them anywhere with the intent of being an acclaimed "poet". I blog about pointless things for a reason similar to taking pictures: I'm a bored person with a computer and internet access.
That being said, here's a little haiku that I wrote:
New students scare me
They all look terribly scared
I'm glad I'm not new
There's new student registration going on today, so I figured I would state the obvious in the form of a haiku.